
Step 1: Notify campus EVCAA and UAP of plans for academic proposal development

The head of an academic unit typically initiates proposals for new academic programs. As a first step, a Department Chair, or the Dean of a school, notifies the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs for the campus about their intentions to proceed with development of a proposal. (See particular campus process for further details.) 

When proposing a new program, academic administrators should assess whether a new degree is necessary, or whether a new major within an existing degree is a viable option. While majors are approved within Indiana University, degrees require additional approval at the state level. New degrees (on-campus and online) require more documentation and are subject to more levels of approval. All proposals must be submitted with the appropriate documentation (see table of required documentation) as approved by the Academic Leadership Council (ALC).

Step 1a: Academic programs that will be offered by multiple campuses

Academic program proposals that are to be offered by multiple campuses or university-wide must be coordinated with affected campuses. Such collaborations require the development of Memoranda of Agreements (MoA) between participating campuses. The MOA must be included as part of the proposal before continuing with the process. Academic administrators from VPRCOE are available to facilitate such collaborations. This may take place in parallel with the campus process, but must be done before the proposal goes to the ALC.

Learn more about the approval process for collaborative programs

Step 1b: Graduate-level academic programs within University Graduate School

Review by the Graduate School is required for all graduate certificate and degree programs represented by disciplines within the University Graduate School. (When in doubt, be inclusive and assume Graduate School approval is needed.) The campus originating a proposal is responsible for soliciting campus-level reviews and Graduate School approval (when needed) before proposals are presented to the ALC.

Note that professional degrees (e.g., nursing, social work, etc.) do NOT require Graduate School approval.

Please also note that Graduate Affairs Committees exist on each campus, and these committees will also be required to approve graduate-level academic proposals.

Step 1c: Academic programs that will be delivered online (new or converted from existing on-campus programs)

IU Online must review and approve all academic programs offered online or via distance education. 

Learn more about the approval process for online programs

Contact us at or 317-274-8354 if you have any questions.

Step 1d: Academic programs that will be delivered in a hybrid format (new or converted from existing on-campus programs)

IU Online and University Academic Programs must review all academic programs to be offered in a hybrid format.

Learn more about the approval process for hybrid programs

Contact if you have any questions.


Step 2: Review Required Approvals Matrix and Required Documentation Table

The Required Approvals Matrix provides detailed information regarding the levels of approval necessary for a new or modified program to be considered for approval.

Review Proposal Types and Required Documentation to determine what information must be submitted in the proposal.

Step 3: Estimate enrollments, projected revenue and costs

The initiating unit of a proposed program must consult with Philemon Yebei, Assistant Vice President for Administration, VPRCOE, to estimate costs and identify sources of revenue to support the program, using a financial model prescribed by the university in alignment with requirements of the Indiana Commission for Higher Education. This contact should be made before the proposal has been routed through the campus approval process. Proposals must have VPRCOE signoff before review can begin.

Contact Philemon Yebei, Assistant Vice President for Administration, VPRCOE, (, 812-855-0900) for more information. 

Step 4: Develop articulation plans for any new baccalaureate degrees

The Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE) now requires that all new baccalaureate degrees be presented with articulation plans for students from Ivy Tech Community College (ITCC) and Vincennes University (VU). To facilitate this process, the University Transfer Operations (UTO) will review all plans prior to approval by the Academic Leadership Council (ALC).

Step 4a: Identify articulating academic programs at Ivy Tech Community College and Vincennes University

Identify available degrees at both  ITCC and VU. A single "best fit" degree program at each is appropriate and should be identified based on the "Articulation Types and Definitions" document below. 

Step 4b: Complete the Course Articulation Plan for New Baccalaureate Degrees. 

Use the "Course Articulation Plan for New Baccalaureate Degrees" to demonstrate an available transfer pathway from Indiana's two-year colleges. It may be useful to consult the Credit Transfer Service site for your campus to identify course articulations that are already in place. Course-to-course articulations must be listed for how they will transfer for students from ITCC and VU, indicating how each course will be applied to the student's course of study (general education, major, elective, etc.), and the number of credits that a transferring student may anticipate counting toward the baccalaureate degree. 

Step 4c: Submit the Course Articulation Plan to University Transfer Operations

Completed Course Articulation Plans must be developed for both ITCC and VU and included as Appendix 9 in the degree proposal. Please e-mail the completed Course Articulation Plans to Jeff Weber ( for review prior to their consideration by the Academic Leadership Council. 

Contact Jeff Weber, 812-856-0575 with questions or for more information.