In Elements, professional activities are divided into four main categories: Scholarly & Creative Works, Grants & Contracts, Service & Leadership, and Teaching Activities.
The list below includes all activities in each category and an explanation or examples of each activity.
Scholarly & Creative Works
Artistic Direction
- Conducting, coaching, choreographing, tour and stage management, and other such artistic direction
- Books of all types, including edited books, fiction, poetry, scripts, and textbooks
Case Study
- In-depth, detailed examination of specific case, usually in a real-world scenario
- Individual book chapters
- Private and public art collections
- Works relating to conferences, such as published proceedings, conference papers, and conference posters
Creative Work
- A broad range of creative activities including speeches, short stories, essays, comics, and more.
- Work involved in the process of selecting, organizing, and tending to the items in a collection or exhibition
- Collections of data
Digital Scholarship
- Curation, Data visualizations, Databases, Digital Artifacts, Digital Media, Blogs, Oral Histories, and Digital Humanities
Encyclopedia Entry
- Published entries in encyclopedias, generally with detailed, expert knowledge
- All types of exhibitions including Solo, 2 Person, Curated, and Group as well as Installations, Screenings, and Exhibition Catalogs
- Festivals and events such as art festivals and fairs, theatre festivals, film festivals, and more
Intellectual Property
- Patents, Copyrights, Commercial Adoptions of Work, Disclosures, Licenses, Royalties, Trade Secrets, and Trademarks
Journal Article
- Articles, Letters, Reviews, and Editorials
Media Contribution
- Any scholarly or creative contribution made to print, broadcast, or digital media
Music Composition
- All types of musical compositions including major works
- All types of performances including Dance, Music, Theatre, Reading, and Performance Art
- Conference Papers, Critiques, Lectures, Workshops, and Demonstrations
- Audio and video recordings
- All types of reports including research and technical reports, working papers, white papers, and more
- Works such as software, extensive sets of coding, databases, and indexes
- Theater Design, Preparation, Tour Coordination, and Engineering and Technology
- Works such as PhD Theses, Master’s Theses, or other dissertations
Work in Progress
- Scholarly and creative works that are in progress can be saved initially in this activity type, then moved to a more descriptive activity as they progress.
- All other types of scholarly and creative work that is not represented in the above activities can be entered here.
Grants & Contracts
- IU-internal and external grants are recorded using this activity
- Contains data fed in from Kuali Coeus Grants records
Arts Residency
- Arts residencies, arts & humanities residencies, and artist in residence
- Any commercialization of one’s work
- All types of consulting work such as strategy, career, sustainability, operations, and more
- Any type of relevant contract
- All types of fellowships, internal and external to IU
- All types of academic prizes
Service & Leadership
Board Membership
- This activity captures membership on an organization’s board.
Clinical Service
- This activity captures service to patients, indicating position, clinical venue and inclusive dates.
Committee Membership
- This activity captures committee membership and service.
- Positions in UFC, IFC, BFC, RFC and similar faculty governance roles should be listed under Leadership.
Community Service
- Volunteer work within one’s local community to help advance the wellbeing and success of the community or its members.
- Work as editor-in-chief, managing editor, co-editor, or copy editor in the production of scholarly journals.
Event Administration
- Preparing, planning, and hosting conferences for large groups of attendees.
Event Participation
- Helping to complete the work of an event or conference, including judging presentations, chairing break-out sessions, etc.
Expert Witness
- This activity captures service in the form of providing expert witness or testimony, including legislative testimony, jurisprudential testimony, etc.
- This activity captures awards and honors across all areas for faculty and students under their direct supervision.
- This activity captures any media appearances (e.g., news outlets) and/or interviews where you were invited to share your professional expertise.
IUHP Service
- This screen captures activities in service to patients for IU Health Physician (IUHP) Providers and includes a snapshot of Net Promoter Score and wRVU data for IU Health Physician (IUHP) Providers. Data displayed prior to February 15 of any given year reflects data collected from January - July of the previous year. Data displayed after February 15 of any given year reflects data collected from January - December of the previous year.
- Up-to-the-minute data for NPS and wRVU can be found at In order to access this site, you must either be directly connected to IUH network or connected by the VPN and log in with your IUH network ID.
- This activity captures leadership positions held in faculty governance or professional organizations.
- This screen is used to capture performance contributions of librarians.
Professional Development
- This activity captures the process of improving and increasing your capabilities through education, training, and/or other forms of professional learning.
Professional Membership
- This activity captures memberships within professional organizations, associations, and societies.
Professional/Academic Review
- This activity captures service such as book, conference, grant, or institutional reviews as well as peer reviews of teaching and P&T external reviews.
- All other types of service and leadership that is not represented in the above activities can be entered here.
Teaching Activities
Course Taught
- This activity captures courses for which you are designated 'instructor of record'.
- Contains data fed in from SIS
Course Developed
- This activity records new course development and major course revisions.
Curriculum Development
- This activity records new curriculum development and major curriculum revisions.
Directed Learning
- This activity captures involvement in dissertations, theses, independent studies and post-doctoral direction and related activities.
Instructional Material
- This activity captures instructional materials faculty have developed or published.
- This activity captures mentoring activities, like mentoring junior-level colleagues, including those external to the institution.
Non-Credit Instruction
- This activity captures teaching activities in non-credit contexts, including extracurricular (e.g., life-long learning) instruction, micro-credential instruction, etc.
Continuing Medical Education
- This activity captures instruction delivered to colleagues and other healthcare/research professionals as continuing medical education or as part of a formal professional curriculum.
Graduate Medical Education
- This activity captures instruction delivered to residents and fellows at IU and previous academic Institutions as part of their formal postgraduate education.
- GME lectures delivered to outside audiences (not your regular residents and fellows) during your time at IU should be entered on the Presentations screen.
Medical Student Education
- This activity captures courses for which you are designated course director
- Contains data fed in from MSAS/MedHub.